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Our School

School Nurse

Health and Immunization Records

Before entering the preschool program, two important medical documents should be provided. This information is collected and maintained on file in the school nurse’s office. The content of the file is confidential, but is immediately available to administrators or teaching staff who have consent from a parent or legal guardian to access the records; the child’s parent or legal guardian; and regulatory authorities, upon request.

  1. Annual physical, or well-child exam, documenting the date of service and showing the child is current for routine screening tests, with an indication of normal or abnormal results and any follow-up required for abnormal results. This should include instructions for any of the child’s special health needs such as allergies or chronic illness (e.g., asthma, hearing or vision impairments, feeding needs, neuromuscular conditions, urinary or other ongoing health problems, seizures, diabetes).
    • When a child is overdue for any routine health services, parents or legal guardians should provide evidence of an appointment for those services before the child’s entry into the program and as a condition of remaining enrolled in the program.
  2. Immunization records showing the child is current for all vaccinations in accordance with the schedule recommended and published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, OR exemption documentation is provided stating that a child is under-immunized because of a medical condition (documented by a licensed health professional) or the family’s beliefs.
    • Students who have not provided a certificate with at least one set of all required immunizations to the school nurse will not be allowed to start on the first day of school. If a complete record of all immunizations required is not provided by the first day of school, the student will need an Iowa Department of Public Health Provisional Certificate of Enrollment. This certificate will expire in 60 days, so you must have your child completely immunized during this time. Once the 60 days has expired, your child will be excluded from school until the immunizations are complete, or exemption documentation is provided.

Illness Policy

For the health and safety of all the children, it is mandatory that sick children not be brought to school. If you child has any of the symptoms during the night, he or she will not be admitted the following morning for the safety of the other children:

  • fever greater than 100 degrees
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • pink eyes with drainage
  • cough with congestion and excessive nasal discharge

An ill child may return when:

  • Fever free for 24 hours
  • Chicken pox: one week after onset (or when lesions are crusted)
  • Strep: 24 hours after initial medication
  • Vomiting/Diarrhea: 24 hours after last episode
  • Conjunctivitis: 24 hours after initial medication or when without drainage